RBA Acoustics

ANC Awards – Highly Commended

RBA Acoustics work on controlling noise from a construction site using a temporary site enclosure has been Highly Commended in the Smaller Project category at the Association of Noise Consultants (ANC) awards.

“The judges considered this a useful example of the contribution of acousticians to the delivery of other projects. Basement works, particularly in London, are an increasing area of work and the involvement of acousticians can assist all parties”.

As part of the refurbishment of a mews property in a highly desirable location in central London, we were tasked with controlling noise from major demolition/construction activities in order to minimise disturbance to neighbouring properties. The site is surrounded by residential buildings in a quiet mews overlooked on all sides.

The neighbourhood commands an average house price in excess of £4,000,000 suggesting neighbours will have the means to disrupt construction should noise levels be excessive. Accordingly, noise limits were agreed with local residents at the nearest noise sensitive window which was approximately 1m from the site boundary.

This project consisted of innovative and practical engineering to allow significant demolition and construction practices to take place in a quiet Mews surrounded by sensitive residential receptors.

From our assessment of the planned piling and break out works in the garden area, the acoustic enclosure was expected to give at least Dw 21dB reduction in noise levels at the nearest noise-sensitive residential windows.

In reality, the temporary enclosure provided a greater noise reduction performance than predicted and surpassed expectations.

In our experience the noise mitigation measures installed for this project are over and above the noise mitigation measures typically employed by construction sites. This has since shaped our approach to noise mitigation for construction sites allowing us the confidence to suggest innovative solutions and lead design to minimise noise nuisance.

Image: Gareth Davies (RBA Acoustics) presented with the Highly Commended award by Dr. Hugh Hunt (Cambridge University Reader in Engineering Dynamics and Vibration) who spoke at the ANC Awards dinner.

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